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Defense Against the Dark Arts Lesson 2 Year 1 : Wand Lightning and Extinguishing Charms

Harper sees all the students walking up to the tower from the Greenhouse. He furiously grades some assignments, and welcomes the students, who enter the classroom.




Welcome back to the Defense Against the Dark Arts Classroom! It's Professor Harper Hendrope here! Today, we will be learning the Spell Casting Theory. I know, you have learnt it several times, in Charms, and you will learn it again in Transfiguration, but anyways, I am giving you the view from my subject.



Incantation: Incantation is one of the most important components. They are the words which we speak in order to make the spell cast successful. Simply saying 'blah blah blah' will not work in this case! Each and every spell has its own different incantation, and it can totally twist the effects or make nothing happen if you get the pronunciation wrong!




Wand Movement: Wand Movements are the flickery, funny shapes that are made into the sky while casting a spell. Each spell has its own wand movement. Note that you could cast a spell without incantation and wand movement, but you need to be fully trained, which will be taught in your N.E.W.T years.




Concentration: Concentration is also known as focus. Focus or Concentration is the mental strength of the body, and it helps create the spell mostly, and its main effects.




Willpower: Willpower, which is also often called "Intent" is the physical strength of the spell, which helps the spell perform additional functions, such as holding the spell for a long time.




The Wand Lighting Charm


So, now, we will be learning the Wand Lighting Charm! I'll only give you a short description, as you'll learn the detailed theories in Charms Class.

This spell was invented by Levina Monkstanley, as an attempt of proving herself right. A soft, bright yellow light is all needed to cast this charm. You could use it to light places, and for many other uses. This is a quick static spell, and it does not need any continuous pressure.



Incantation: Lumos

Pronunciation: LOO-mos

Wand Movement: A Counter Clockwise Loop

Concentration: Low ; the effect

Willpower: Low ; the color



The Wand Extinguishing Charm


It was invented by Levina Monkstanley only. It could extinguish the light in the wand, and it extinguishes the light from the above charm. It requires no concentration or willpower.



Incantation: Nox

Pronunciation: Nok-ss

Wand Movement: A quarter curve, and a counter curve with a flick

Concentration: None

Willpower: None



Students cast the spell. They turn out to be.. well.. pretty cool…



So, I'm concluding the class for today. Class dismissed!


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