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Charms Lesson 1 Year 1 : Introduction to Charms

In the classroom you see Martina who looks excited. It is her first class with her first years. Her first years enter the classroom. She is sitting in, nervous for her first stock of students.



Welcome to Charms Class! I am Professor Martina Sterling, the headmistress of the school. And I will be teaching you Charms for your next seven years. Today, I will give you some information about this Course.

Course Information


This course, as informed, will be running for 7 years like all your classes. There will be 9 lessons per year. You will always bring sufficient supply of paper, your Quills and your wand for all your classes. Speaking of all of this, I forgot to tell you about the Co-Professor for Charms, who is ProfessorVansburge. You will be meeting her in your next lesson, as we will be alternating them. You will have two examinations in Lesson 5 and Lesson 9, each which will test your knowledge, and cheating will not be permitted, in any of the tests, nor in assignments.

Classroom Rules

Speaking of cheating, I would now like you to be familiar to the Classroom Rules .

1. No Plagiarism/Cheating

Plagiarism/Cheating is forbidden inside this classroom, and so it is in the school, and it is in the world too. They both include searching answers online, looking from the lessons, and copy-pasting from the lessons. As Hogwarts students, I expect you to be completely honest with me and other Hogwarts Members.

2. Be Respectful

We all have real lives here, so please be tolerant of me, Prefects, and other fellow students, and even respect them.


3. Note-Taking

While Note-Taking is a point which is crucial to your success, and taking notes in Charms Class helps you grasp theories. However, this is optional, but recommended for all your Hogwarts Classes.

Course Plan

Oh, we're already discussing so much, why don't we talk about the Course Plan?

Lesson 1: Introduction to Charms

Lesson 2: Spell Casting Theory, Wand Lighting and Extinguishing Charms

Lesson 3: Levitation Charms

Lesson 4: Severing Charm/Fire Making Charm

Lesson 5: Locomotor Charm/Ice Breaking Jinx Midterms

Lesson 6 : Sticking Charm/Mending Charm

Lesson 7: Differentiation with Spells, Locking/Unlocking Charms

Lesson 8: Disarming Charm/Ice Jinx

Lesson 9: Finals and Review

Introduction to Charms

What are Charms, now? Charms are a type of a spell which causes a reaction, for example ; by using the Fire Making Charm, you let out fire. Charms and Transfiguration are often confused, but they are totally different! Transfiguration focuses on changing the alteration of an object, while Charms causes reactions! There are 4 Spell Casting components vital to spell casting, which are; Incantation, Willpower, Wand Movement and Concentration, which will be focused upon in your next coming lesson! Each of the thing a wand is made of takes accord into your spell. You would be studying it if you take Wandlore in Year 4.



Okay, You're excused early for today, as it is your first lesson. You will be having a Quiz and an optional essay for you. Don't expect me to be so lenient from next lesson onwards. Class Dismissed!


Made in 2020 with love by Hogwarts Institute of Magic Team. This website is not associated with Harry Potter, J.K. Rowling, Warner Bros, or any other people that made Harry Potter, or any website

All image credit to Unsplash and the Google Search Tool. Made by Professor Martina Sterling. All images belong to their original owners.

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